Jimmy from the album Kala
After listening to some of the songs in the album, I have found renewed faith in Taiwan's 電子花車, or crappily translated - Electronic Flower Trucks (Where stripper-like girls dance to repetitive, high-beat low-tech cheesy electronic music on a stage of a moving truck covered with glittering lights and reflective decors, usually with several of them lined up in a procession for temple festivities).

I think that M.I.A. owes a pilgrimage to Taiwan to explore her potential in becoming a 台妹教主, or crappily translated again, queen of Tai-girls... haha. People will worship her.
Anyway, this album is fun with lots of high-pitched nasal singing Indian girls in backgroind, which has always been fun to listen to. But somehow I still like some of the catchy songs of the previous album better.
love my tatoo
love my tatoo
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