Lately it rained so much that our backyard had the new addition of shallow ponds and moss patches. What wonderful landscape elements, even though we did not necessarily wanted them at all. Then gradually at the far corner of the little back yard, strange blossoms began appearing near the chopped-off stump of the now-gone willow tree that probably absorbed all the water before it's fateful death, ordered by the evil queen of this pathetic breeze-ridden castle. Soon, little brown stems also appeared in the middle of the lawn. One more, two more, and the wicked finger-like sticks blossomed into wicked poisonous mushrooms. But now they're gone, decapitated by the frequently visiting lawn manicurist. Only its cousins, the evil tree stump fungi survived, but their glorious days are over, all they can do now is wither away into itself.
October 30, 2007
Lately it rained so much that our backyard had the new addition of shallow ponds and moss patches. What wonderful landscape elements, even though we did not necessarily wanted them at all. Then gradually at the far corner of the little back yard, strange blossoms began appearing near the chopped-off stump of the now-gone willow tree that probably absorbed all the water before it's fateful death, ordered by the evil queen of this pathetic breeze-ridden castle. Soon, little brown stems also appeared in the middle of the lawn. One more, two more, and the wicked finger-like sticks blossomed into wicked poisonous mushrooms. But now they're gone, decapitated by the frequently visiting lawn manicurist. Only its cousins, the evil tree stump fungi survived, but their glorious days are over, all they can do now is wither away into itself.
October 10, 2007

這世界甚麼東西都可以待價而沽。當手部模特兒的青青,最有價值的只有她那一雙手。開著大貨車往返臺北、臺東的必勇與阿美,價值卻比不上他們載送的頂級水蜜 桃。必勇搏擊散打冠軍的女兒書瓦,有價值的則是她眼中永遠的恨意。經常被神明託夢,到處營救落難神像「撿神明」的牛角,卻愁於買不起價值十幾萬的義肢。而 榮登大畏王冠軍的流浪兒阿仙,最有價值的卻是因為流浪而永遠吃不飽的欲望。當這群人努力往上爬,迎接命運時,一場死亡車禍的撞擊,卻讓他們偏離了軌道,鬼 門開的瞬間,迎接而來的是神的一個大玩笑……
This is a movie from Taiwan we saw at the Vancouver Film Festival. The movie is fairly abstract, sad and yet with hints of warmth and humor from the characters.

On the first day of Vancouver Film Festival, we went to see the opening movie "Atonement" starring Keira Knightley. The movie seemed a bit dull at the beginning, and the characters were seemed to have the well-postured British rigidness. But along the storyline, the vivid images were amazing and the storyline developed into something more interesting, with a unsuspected and surprising twist to the ending. Overall it was a really good movie, unique and fascinating story with numerous memorable scenes. Hooray for the pale people! Haha!
October 7, 2007
Mind Map

Recently I finished a pretty and colorful book on making mind maps. The idea is pretty fun and I thought I should make a giant mind map on the big, dirty plain wall I face most of my waking hours everyday. The topic? Happiness in my life. I figured this is the best way to remind me of the happy moments I experienced throughout my life so far. So don't sue me if your face happened to appear on my wall. You're just part of my happy memories.
October 2, 2007
Let Peaches Teach You
I miss my new (or what used to be,) "Impeach my Bush" Peaches CD. I lost it last year, presumably in the office when I brought it in. My colleagues all hated it, and thus highly suspicious of the strange disappearance of the CD. Apparently the girls at the office don't like crazy rapping and screaming bitches and loud electro noises. But it was all fun for me to listen to, even at work when the boss was out playing golf or whatever. Actually I liked the older album "Teaches of Peaches" better. Some of the songs were so addictive the beats just had to be played over and over both on my stereo and in my brain. They often consist of vulgar languages, and of course, with vulgar images like sporting just lingeries in their music videos. One more yay for these glam-shock princesses who just happened to be Canadian too!